Wednesday, January 4, 2017


One student took the Bill Clinton biography off the shelf of Presidential Biographies and remarked "Now, they are going to have to make a Donald Trump book."

Another student chimed in "Did they make a Barack Obama book?" Yes, I replied but we didn't have it in the classroom. I would have to order it the next time we did a Scholastic order. This small interaction underscored how important diverse role models are and their stories. There is such a huge gaping hole in our library for diverse books.

One of the things that has made me sad here is the limited book selection at the library. They are hand-me-downs with the word DISCARD emblazoned on many of their covers. There are a lot of great ones in the pile, but a lot of out-dated ones. (I also think of the library of books for my own two boys which are sitting in a dark storage unit since clothing & food made the cut for our weight limit flying in and books can't.) So grateful for these books since the kids treat them like gold. Thanks to the Friends of the Seward Library! ( They devour them and all the stories inside. They love scholastic orders, I've never had students so enthusiastic about books. I treat the free book rewards like gold ordering things that I know we need. My Aunt in New York sends me boxes of books because where she lives piles of free books go unclaimed.

"Can you order a Bernie Sander book too?"

Yes, I can.

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