Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Open-ended projects are just the best! This week, we participated in the #marshmallowchallenge. The students were given 10 sticks of spaghetti, 1 yard of tape, 1 yard of yarn, and one marshmallow. They were supposed to make a free-standing tower with a marshmallow on top. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16PHez0zQJl0FKUHyQJvQu8TXeMpAGnF-4iBofRqVBds/edit)

It was interesting. We had just studied Native Americans who live in the plains, so there was plenty of references of how to make it stand like a "teepee" 

Most concentrated on getting the "tallest," but one group wanted it to "be able to stand up" first. We mysteryskyped with another class in Michigan who shared their towers. 

Afterwards, I put out more spaghetti, tape, and string so the students could attempt a second tower. They learned from their errors on the first tower. It really is incredible the difference between the 1st towers and the second towers.  

And by Friday.... They had really gotten complicated! 


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