Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Painted Sky

It is very grey here. The dirt roads are grey and it blows onto the trees and makes them look grey. Its very barren here. There are no mountains. The river is hidden. The houses are very basic. In a lot of ways, its depressing.

But every sunrise and every sunset, the sky gets bathed in these majestic colors. Its always gold, pink,  and purple. Would make a great art project sometime...

Every night, we get Auroras and they paint the entire sky and dance around in majestic arcs & swirls. There is something so magical about witnessing these things. The sky is so alive that you almost dont notice how grey it is.

A fun note: We took a four-wheeler drive to the end of the road. There is an Aurora Observation Station. (http://www.gi.alaska.edu/auroraforecast) I wonder who to get into contact with, it would be a fun field trip to take the class there. Also great science discussions on how this phenomenon is formed. 

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