Friday, October 28, 2016

Multiplication Station

If a student can't add fluently, how are they supposed to learn multiplication? It has been a little surprising to have some students not be able to add +1 or +2 without being able to use their fingers. Now that we are finishing up our quarter, I am realizing that students are able to do the work but it takes them way longer because they are counting up the long way. 

A couple years ago, the reading scores were really low across the school and so they had a big push towards building better readers. I'm happy to say that my class of readers are on grade level. However, now the school is realizing that now they need to put some more care into the math curriculum. 3rd grade and up is going to be doing their multiplication tables. In a month, the principal will hold an ice cream party for those who can say their tables.  I made an ice cream table to show which number students had practice rote saying their tables. They have to say 0-12 for that number in 30 seconds. 

I tend to shy away from rote learning, but I understand why it is important here. The students have enjoyed practicing it through ipad games, writing it out on the whiteboards, smartboard, and practicing timing each other.

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