Monday, March 20, 2017

#DrSeussDay & #StPatricksDay QR Code Scavenger Hunt

We celebrated Dr Seuss Day by having an Elementary School-wide activity day complete with a green eggs & ham snack.

In my classroom, my activity was based on "Wocket in my pocket" I printed out and hid little Seussical monsters all over the classroom. The students then competed in teams of 3 to find all 15 montsters the fastest.

For St. Patrick's Day, I decided to do a scavenger hunt using QR codes.

Clue 1 was an equation. The answer was 6, which took them to the 6th grade classroom door.
Clue 3 was the 13th letter of the alphabet and the first vowel of the alphabet in a place where there were lots of books.

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