When they came in, I had them all sit in a circle on the carpet. I asked the girl to tell her side of the story, then I had the boy explain his side of the story. It seemed to be part of a bigger issue, which was great because it was a good time to problem-solve!
Like most cafeterias, ours can be loud. There are two rows of 3 tables. Apparently the boys had been sitting on the table that was closest to the window (farthest away from the noisiest part of the room) and the girls had been sitting on the inside table closest to the other grades. One of the girls had attempted to commandeer that side and had put her water-bottle down to mark her spot before getting in line. The boys had ignored it and got there first from the line since they had lined up to get their food first. Then they had some verbal exchanges.
After everyone had gotten a chance to speak. I asked them for some solutions:
- Boys and Girls could switch sides (either on a daily, weekly, or random through wheel of destiny or whoever the helper of the day was)
- They could both sit on the far table it the boys on one side and the girls on the other
- They could have divide a line down the half of the table with the boys sitting on the far right and girls on far left
- Someone also proposed that they share the table & sit boy/girl/boy/girl but that ideas was immediately vetoes.
At first it seemed at an impasse, then the boys said they were ok with switching sides daily as long as they could go first. The girls agreed.
I told them that if this didn't end up working out, we could talk about it again to find another solution. That's the great thing about working towards a solution, if it doesn't work, just try something else!