Friday, December 2, 2016

Teaching another class to @getkahoot!

My students are able to do the math, but they struggle with dissecting the word problems. Our last unit chapter had us writing Multiplication problems. They did not like to do it because it was tedious. So the next day, when the unit was on writing Division Problems, I told them we would make a kahoot with their problems.

Suddenly, the engagement was through the roof. We finished the Kahoot and then played it as a class. Afterwards, they wanted to invite the 2nd grade to come play it. I told them that multiplication & division would be hard for them, but that we might invite the 4/5 graders. So we did!

4th Grade had not done a Kahoot before so each of my 3rd graders paired up with a 4th grader to show them how to sign-in. They then worked in pairs to solve the word problems. It was so much fun and great review for all of them. 

N made medals for the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place winners. 
Great way for another teacher to see Kahoot in action. It's such a great tool! 

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