Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Mystery Skype

We have had fun "Mystery Skyping" this week. We connected with a 5th Grade class in Alabama and  a 3rd grade class in Minnesota. The students had fun asking each other questions "Do you border Canada?" or "What time is it there?" "Do you have snowy winters?" "Does your state start with a vowel?" Such a great way to teach US geography! :) 

The class in Alabama showed us their classroom Caterpillar. They live in the fire hydrant capital. They also get snow days when it snows! One of my students had shot a Grouse the previous day, so she showed them the feathers. 
The class in Minnesota also gets cold (-40) They had several students who had the same names as our students. My class thought it was crazy that they had 20 students there. They asked the teacher if it was "hard to control" lol They also taught the students some Gwichin like how to say "My name is" and "Good bye" 

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