Thursday, August 25, 2016

Gwich'in Ethnobotany (This website is a WEALTH of information.)

We got to go on a "Field trip" today to learn about the local flora. 
We learned about picking the dark brown sap off of trees, utilizing the spruce branches, what leaves help with bumblebee stings, rose-hips, and even a pretty flower-like plant to use for ink for writing. 

We learned about "Tri'igwihitee" which means respect. 
Important message from our Gwich’in Elders teachings.
  • Harvest all medicine plants away from roads and communities.
  • Take only what you need. It is important to collect only the plant parts you need. Pick selectively from different areas and take care not to over harvest from one area.
  • Leave an offering for gathering special medicine plants like tamarack, juniper and white moss (reindeer lichen). You may also leave offerings for other plants as a sign of respect. Place an offering like tobacco, wooden matches, or say prayers before and while collecting plant parts. Please note to always place an offering before collecting ochre.
  • Share harvested resources such as medicine plants, meat, fish, berries with those not able to obtain these resources for themselves.
  • Harvest resources with care, love and respect.

I love looking at the local architecture. You can see how connected the people are to the land. Their houses are made from the trees. The houses are heated from the wood of the trees. These are precious resource that requires respect to ensure that it will be there for future generations. 

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